Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Taste Test

P2 took part in a taste test today. The children tried apples, dark chocolate, crisps and lemons. Can you guess what the children are trying in some of our photos? Their facial expressions are priceless!

Nativity Ready!

Our nativity travellers and animals all ready for their big performance!

Monday, 10 December 2018

Lego Enthusiasts

Charlie and Reece were very proud of their Lego designs this week, whilst also showcasing their creativity and imagination in the process!

Getting into the festive spirit.

We had a few volunteers to decorate our class Christmas tree this week!

We explored all 5 of our senses today by making popcorn in the microwave. We could hear it popping, smell it cooking, touch it, see it and of course- taste it too!

Estimating and Measuring

P2 have been busy with a variety of activities to help support their estimation and measurement skills. The children are now more confident in using a variety of measurement tools.